This post was written by: Chris Konowal, Kylene Holup, and Crystal Hopkins.
As a Paid Media Manager, I’m sure you’ve been seeing Pure Broad Match expansions show up as a recommendation within Google Ads over the last several months.
With the consolidation of Broad Match Modified with Phrase Match, Google has been encouraging our team to lean into Pure Broad Match whenever possible. Google has called out that this keyword Match type can capture net new conversions at a CPA similar to Phrase or Exact when combined with automated bidding.
We tested this recommendation on three accounts at Seer and wanted to share the results! Keep reading for a recap of what we found.
💡 TL;DR: Pure Broad Match consistently performed less efficiently than Exact and Phrase Match in terms of CPA.
We recommend only testing Pure Broad Match keywords when the campaign meets the below criteria:
We found that Pure Broad Match keywords trigger terms that are too vague and/or general to drive efficient performance. That is why we recommend layering an additional level of audience qualification to better vet users before bidding on them.
We set up campaign experiments running a 50/50 split between the control and experiment. The control leveraged Phrase and Exact Match keywords, while the experiment used only Pure Broad Match keywords.
We noticed that Broad Match triggering some irrelevant queries, so we negated these in hopes that it would drive more relevant traffic.
After implementing the negative keywords, we conducted a second check-in one month after launch. The Experiment slightly improved, but was still performing significantly lower than the control: -36% conversions, +49% CPA, -37% ROAS.
These results were statistically significant, so we ended the experiment and chose NOT to move forward with Broad Match keywords.
However, when following up another two weeks later the control campaign saw improve, while the experiment did not generate any conversion during this time period. The search terms the keywords were matching to were still fairly irrelevant to the product/service being offered by the client.
We ultimately ended the test and are moving forward leveraging ONLY Phrase and Exact Match keywords at this time.
This test resulted in a similar conclusion as others, so we ended the experiment early and did NOT continue using Broad Match keywords.
Overall, we don’t recommend using Pure Broad Match keywords unless your campaign meets the criteria we mentioned above:
However, Google is always iterating on their products and working to improve the quality of their keyword targeting.
While pure broad match keywords may be less effective in prospecting campaigns at the moment, they’re worth keeping an eye on and testing in the future!
Source:, originally published on 2021-11-15 17:43:22
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