Twitter has added a new search bar into its ‘Setting and Privacy’ section, in order to make it easier for users to find what they’re looking to update in the app.
As you can see in these example screens, now, at the top of the Settings and Privacy section, there’s a new search prompt, which will highlight relevant sections and options based on your keyword query.
Of course, that means that you do have to have some idea as to what the section you’re after is called – if you wanted to stop people from @mentioning you, for example, and you entered ‘mentions’ as your search term, it wouldn’t be able to provide a match, as the actual function you’re looking for is in ‘Audience and tagging’, or potentially you’re after the new ‘Safety Mode’ which limits who can mention you.
That’s the only real limitation, however, with the new feature providing an easier way to find most of the features you might need – and Twitter will likely update its search terms over time to provide better matches for indirect queries.
It’s a simple, but potentially effective update, and if it helps people make the changes they need easier, it’s a worthy addition.
The new search bar is available in all versions of Twitter, rolling out now.
Source:, originally published on 2022-02-23 17:58:53
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