New Study Outlines Key Snapchat Ads Best Practices, Based on 14,000 Campaigns

What’s working in Snapchat ads, and how can you improve your Snap marketing approach in 2022?

That’s what the team from VidMob sought to find out in a new, three-part study, which saw VidMob analyze over 14,000 Snap ad campaigns, run over the last three years, to understand the key best practices and approaches.

The study is split into three verticals – Financial Services, CPG and Entertainment. You can access each of the whitepaper summaries here, but in this post, we’ll take a look at some of the key notes.

Within each of the topic reports, VidMob has included a summary of what works best, and how Snap users respond to ads.

They’ve also included a more specific breakdown of key elements, along with key engagement stats.

VidMob Snap Ads study

The above note is one of the common points that VidMob found – overall, the analysis shows that the following two elements work across all verticals:

  • High contrast imagery – Creatives with a high degree of contrast and bold colors saw a 15% higher swipe up rate for Financial services compared to low color contrast videos, while high contrast ads saw a 40% higher swipe up rate for the Entertainment category. Similarly, CPG ads with high color contrast yielded twice the screen time as other ads.
  • Minimized text –  View rate was 175% higher for Financial services creatives when less than 5% of the screen was dedicated to text, while the difference was 85% for CPG ads. When text took up less than 5% of the screen, Entertainment ad swipe up rates were 23% higher.

Another element that works across verticals – celebrity fronted campaigns:

VidMob Snap Ads study

I mean, if you can afford an endorsement from Kevin Hart, go for that, but not all brands have that as an option. But then again, Snap’s recently announced ad partnership with Cameo could open up new avenues for celebrity-based campaigns in the app.

There are some interesting notes here, and if you are looking at ways to improve your Snap ads approach, it’s worth taking a look through the findings, which could spark new considerations in your campaigns.

You can access the three VidMob whitepapers here, here, and here.

Source:, originally published on 2022-05-09 14:55:00