Acquiring new customers gets more focus in marketing circles, but keeping those that have already made a purchase is just as – if not more important, and in order to do that, you need to have a retention strategy, which not only looks to maintain connection and engagement, but also meets each audience’s evolving needs with your outreach.
As highlighted in this infographic from Branex, loyal customers are extremely valuable, and are more likely to buy from you again. But if you want to reach that next level of branding, it does require a more comprehensive focus.
The graphic provides some key notes on how to build a retention strategy, by utilizing the data that you have available to build a more responsive approach, based on variable stages in the customer journey.
It’s worth digging a little deeper into your insights, and using your data to segment your customers into different categories, to maximize response based on their needs.
Check out the full infographic below.
Source:, originally published on 2022-04-28 20:02:19
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