Add Products To The Magento Store

Magento is among the most popular e-commerce platforms of the world. Developers prefer Magento over other platforms because it provides them an option to customize settings according to their needs and requirements. Large businesses prefer Magento because it is powerful

How to Customize WordPress RSS Feed Widget Or Sidebar

Customizing WordPress RSS Feed is very easy if you know how HTML works, but most WordPress Users do not know how to change codes especially in modifying the default RSS feed Widget. Majority of Blog Owners who are using this

Reasons That Make SEO the Booming Factor Today

Imagine a technology where there is no Search Engine Optimization, the work would have been so tough We all talk about SEO and in the present era it is the next big thing with an extra edge but the point

Web Design – Website Development Services

Many website development practitioners argue that web design is a must for a business. But not just any old website will do. Ten years ago any kind of web presence was better than no website at all because if your

Where Social Media Is Headed in 2018

Social media is a very new aspect of our businesses that has taken over significant parts of not only our marketing plans but also our personal lives. Major platforms battle for prominence and significance by adjusting their business models to

Mobile Game Development

Mobile phones are no longer only a communication device; they have emerged to be complete fun and entertainment device with inbuilt games, music, camera etc. Mobile game development is no longer a niche and restricted territory. Each day, mobile game

Magento Takes Ownership Of Amazon’s 1-Click Button

The last thing that shoppers want, especially when they're cramming for last-minute presents during the holiday season, is an excruciating checkout process. Nothing can be more frustrating than having to fill out a form which they have previously provided with

WordPress – How Hard is it to Install?

Instead of telling you just how easy it is to install WordPress into your site, I'll go over the steps to install it and let you decide for yourself. Depending on your host, your steps may vary slightly, but these

Yahoo SEO – How to Optimize Your Website For Yahoo

When we talk about search engine optimization, everyone is talking about optimizing for Google. Yes, Google may have the major market share when it comes to search engines war, but we should not forget that Yahoo can deliver targeted traffic

Web Design Trends for 2017

Website trends have always kept changing depending on user’s feedback, SEO and coding methods. 2016 has been great for website design with people trying to come up with unique ideas. Here we run down few promising trends that we predict