The use of a wrong and inappropriate color combination can spoil the overall impression of a website. It can even reduce the number of targeted customers for a company. It is not hard to hire a professional web design company and get a high standard website designed. Some web designers use the wrong color in the wrong places. This diverts the attention of online customers, making them less likely to place an order.
For instance, if a variety range of colors is used for headlines and sub-headlines, users may get irritated. A smart web designer uses dark blue or black for the main heading and light blue or gray for the subheading. In addition to that, black text on a light background is the best color combination to attain customer attention.
White text is most visible on a black background as both the colors are opposite in terms of shades. If this color combination is used, the audience is most likely to read what you want them to. A particular part of the content may be very important in a web page. If you want the audience to read, highlight it with a bright color or bold the font. A professional web design agency uses the same strategy in most of its websites. You should remember that the audience would only pay attention to a particular piece of content if it appears different from the rest of the content.
If you want your visitor to click a hyperlink and navigate to the desired page, use a catchy color for the font. The audience will notice the text immediately and click on it. If you want people to visit your web page and place orders regularly, you need to use the right colors and font styles. Sharp colors are very irritating. For the body of the web page, 14 pixels is the most acceptable text size. In addition to that, Times New Roman is the most common text style. If the right color scheme and text style is not used, the number of visitors and conversion decrees irrespective of how good the content is. Some web designers use large size fonts to get the attention of the users, to their detriment. This looks amateur and creates a negative impact on the visitors.
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