Social media marketing has become one of the greatest promotion methods in the 21st century. It is a critical component to your network marketing business and not many companies will teach you how to use and leverage the most cutting-edge Internet Marketing techniques. Even though it is a great tool, it is often abused by newbie marketers.
Before we go into this a bit more in detail, let’s understand some of the basics of social media marketing. People on these social sites do not want to get spammed with links to your new business opportunity. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and LinkedIn are made for communication. People don’t like to read spam, so don’t send them messages telling them to join your business.
Social Media Marketing Tip #1
Choose a few social sites that you want to work on, do not try to market on every single social site. I would strongly recommend you start with Facebook, the reason for this is because it is the second most visited site on the planet and also has over 300,000,000 members that you can network with.
Social Media Marketing Tip #2
Create a compelling profile page that is interesting to read and catches the viewer’s attention. Also make sure you complete every single part of your profile page, fill out your bio, interests, hobbies etc..These are the things that viewers want to read.
Social Media Marketing Tip #3
Find out what the people in you niche are looking for and provide a solution for it. The best way to find out what people are looking for is to join groups and pay close attention to what people are trying to find answers to. Once you start providing solutions, people will start to see you as a leader.
Social Media Marketing Tip #4
Be visible, make sure you are available everyday. Try to stay connected with people and answer all their messages. This proves that you are helpful and are ready to help at all times.
Social Media Marketing Tip #5
Always give away free value. Share your experience and don’t be afraid to teach people what you have learnt. Share interesting posts from other sources that you think will benefit them. This will really boost your social status.
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